Sports photography is achieved with a DSLR with high shutter speeds. Lenses are needed to go in closer or away to keep up fast enough with the sport going on.
2. Still Life
Still Life is where you photograph an object(s), 'depicting inanimate object matter'. Objects photographed are usually wine glasses, food, flowers and so on.
3. Landscape Photography
Landscape photography is pictures of various places around the world. Landscape photography mostly captures the feel and atmosphere. Places photographed include mountains, waterfalls, beaches, fields etc, all of which have no people included as the aim of landscape photography is to show off the natural environment.
4. Reportage/Journalistic
This is where the reporter is the photographer. They take pictures as things happen, like people standing around, walking by etc.
5. Macro
Macro photography is extreme close-up photography in which the size of the subject is bigger than life size. Macro enables small things like insects, snowflakes and other tiny objects. It is done by 35mm equivalent magnification.
6. Portraiture/Figurative
Portrait photography is obviously a photo of a portrait of a subject. The focus of the photo is often the persons face but can include some of their body as well as show the background.
7. Advertising/Commercial - fashion
Advertising/commercial is to sell something. They sometimes do it by using a model to show off the clothes or product.
8. Fine-art
Fine-art photography is getting a shot of a subject with good lighting and the best environment, apparently it 'depicts high quality and beauty'.